Thursday, March 27, 2014

Macbeth pre-reading work

1.     Behind every great man is a great woman (every great man is supported, guided, helped and even pushed by a great woman).
Agree - I believe that every great man was raised by their Mother who raised them to be the person that they are. I believe that Woman has always had a huge impact on men's lives. Mothers such as mine, has raised me to become a person with much understanding, and is patient with me when I make mistakes.
2.     Witches, demons, and evil spirits actually exist.
Agree - I believe that Witches, demons, and evil spirits do exist because I believe a God and Angels exist. I believe that witches, demons, and evil spirits are bad and God and Angel exist that are good, and I believe that Good and Bad will always co-exist. Demons sometimes temp me to do bad things, but i believe that a God guides me on the right path throughout my life.
3.     Sometimes it is necessary to do something wrong to get what you want.
Disagree - Although it isnt a good thing to do, I know that sometimes in our life we are tempted to do these types of things. I believe that we all know that doing bad deeds are wrong, but we end up doing it anyways. Throught my life, I would lie from time to time just to get one simple task done or some object in my possession.
4.     What goes around comes around (karma).
Agree - I believe that every bad deed will come back to haunt you. I believe that a person that does a bad deed deserves somethign bad to happen to them. When someone tends to do wrong towards me, I tend to try make them feel the same to what they made me feel. 
5.     Human beings are easily tempted by things they want, even if it’s wrong.
Agree - Even if we know its bad, we tend to do anything for a task to be done or something to gain even its its bad or good. Humans tend to sometimes be easily tempted to do bad things, thats just how I believe that life is. Even in my life, Im tempted to do bad things even if I know what im doing is wrong
6.     If someone feels that the ruler/s of his/her country is destroying the country, that person 
should try to overthrow the ruler/s.
Disagree - I think that the people of the country have the right to add in their ideas on how to govern their own county. Rulers should consider the thoughts of its countrys people and address the problem in a formal manner. A leader who has to guide his people should consult his people on how he should lead them.
7.     There are circumstances or events that justify murdering someone.
Disagree - I believe that murdering someone is not a good punishment for someone because it last quickly, the person who has the choice to murder should try to come to reason and try to make that person learn his lesson either it being extremely painful or not painful. 
8.     Success is worth any price you have to pay.
Disagree - I dont believe sucess is worth anything to you unless it makes you happy. Success isnt really something important for you to have in life. I believe that if your happy doign what you do, wether it being a poor person just barely making it, to and average worker as long as it keeps you happy being successful isnt necessary unless you strive for it. 
9.     Kings are appointed by God, and they rule as His representatives on Earth.
Disagree - Kings to me are catagorized as a person who is high in nobility and is wise enough to lead his own people, and they are probably appointed by God but, I dont believe that God appointed Kings to represent him because not all of them spread the goodness of a god. I don't think all Kings expressed their grattitude to a God let alone publicised himself being thankful to a God.
10.  Your astrological forecast (your horoscope) is a good indicator of how your day will go.
Agree - I believe that believeing in a good horoscope could give you a happy attitude toward your day. I think that the belief of yourself having a good or bad day affects your attitude to be good or bad which will affect how you judge wether or not your day was good or bad. In the past, I have read horoscopes before and I do believe that it effects how I judge my day to be good or bad
11.  Traitors should be executed.
Disagree - I do think that Traitors should be punished but I think it should be to an extent. Also, execution isnt that good of a punishment, its just taking their life, which isnt as paintful as torturing someone, and when the torture is over, that person is able to live again and maybe he would learn his lesson. I think that traitors are only there because you allowed them to get close to you to be betrayed

1. We believe that Evil is caused by enviorment placed before us as we grow up. People tend to follow and learn like their elders who raised them. Having a Negative or mean enviorment growing up is really unhealthy for the persons personality and create evil people who can do evil acts and have evil thoughts.
2. We Believe that Fate is events that were meant to happen, and our choices throughout life lead up to the events that are meant to happen in our life. Our free will wont chage the events that are meant to happen.
3. We think that no matter what act of evil one person commits, its possible to recover from it as long as you own up to your mistakes and repent for what you've done.
4. The person that we would admire would have to have a reason why we would admire them in the first place, and it would depend on if he recovered himself from what he has done.
5. Depends on the Goal, also, if you do something wrong for a goal that you think is right, your view on the goal would possibly have changed.

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